Other tracking applications

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Other tracking applications


Telenax can offer VHF radio tracking equipment for darts, which are custom made to f...

dart tracking, dart tracker, vhf dart tracking, vhf dart tracker

Live Trap

This is a VHF transmitter that is to be attached to a Live trap cage (e.g. Tomahawk ...

trap activation tracking, trap tracking, trap tracker, trap activation tracker


Falconry is an application in which the user needs to be able to relocate the animal...

radio tracking falconry, vhf falconry, tracking falconry

Model Rocket

Model rocketing is an application in which the user needs to be able to relocate the...

vhf for model rocket, tracking for model rocket, radio tracking for model rocket


Livestock, including cattle, sheep, pig, horse, etc., are commonly tracked for eithe...

vhf for livestock, tracking for livestock, radio tracking for livestock, gps for livestock, Telenax

Race Pigeon

Race pigeon's tracking is an application in which the user needs to be able to reloc...

vhf for pigeon, tracking for pigeon, radio tracking for pigeon, gps for pigeon, Telenax
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