Published Articles


Tree diversity mediates individual diet specialization of the maned sloth (Bradypus torquatus),

Mureb, Laila & Rocha-Santos, Larissa & Cassano, Camila & Lopes, Gabriel & Felipe Rosa, Beatris & Miranda, Flávia & Miranda, Carlos & Giné, Gastón, Mammalian Biology. 103. 10.1007/s42991-023-00348-5, February 2023

GPS Sloth, GPS Perezoso

Getting better temporal and spatial ecology data for threatened species: using lightweight GPS devices for small primate monitoring in the northern Andes of Colombia,

Sánchez-Giraldo, Camilo & Daza, Juan, Primates. 60. 10.1007/s10329-018-0696-1, November 2018

GPS monkey, GPS primate, GPS Saguinus leucopus

Beaver (Castor fiber) activity and spatial movement in response to light and weather conditions

Bartra Cabré, L., Mayer, M., Steyaert, S. et al., Mamm Biol 100, 261–271 (2020)

GPS Beaver, GPS Castor, Telenax

The stop-feed effect of cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) and the efficacy of brodifacoum combined with cholecalciferol in Y139C-resistant Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus)

Klemann, N., Walther, B., Matuschka, FR. et al. Pest Sci 96, 1331–1340 (2023)

VHF rat, Tracking rat



Other species